First Publication!

Am I famous yet?

No, no I’m not. Sure, the pictures are no work of art. It was midday when I shot them and all the light was so harsh. The article is not about the photos themselves, but to have photos that I’ve taken in a national magazine is a pretty cool feeling…before I realized a fatal mistake. Before that, let’s go back to the beginning;

In the summer of last year, I offered to take photos of a seeded metal detector hunt for a club that my father is in. It’s a fairly small club and they obviously never had a photographer on one of these hunts, so it was kind of a way to support my father and his interests without getting into metal detecting, which I have zero interest in.

After the hunt, I was asked by one of the writers for Western & Eastern Treasures that was at the hunt if he could use three photos that I took. I obliged, stating that my only request is that I receive a copy of the magazine when it’s published. Unfortunately, I did not request to be credited, a mistake that I will not make in the future. Who knew that if you don’t specifically state that you want to be credited for your work, you won’t?!

So, I sent said photos and…heard nothing. Summer turned to fall, fall turned to winter. In February, I emailed the writer asking if the photos were ever used. He stated that he was just a “stringer”, whatever that means, and that I would have to contact the editor about my request.

So, I did.

And heard nothing.

Last week I emailed yet once again and finally got a response with two pages in PDF form. Here’s the first one:

feb2019- (Page 16)

Other then the weird three stooges hack of a Photoshop at the top (I have no idea what that’s about), this page is all photos that I took, cropped, but apparently unedited. Great, looks good. Next:

feb2019- (Page 17)

Woah. Wait a minute. First, I only submitted three photos, and I don’t remember taking the bottom one. In fact, I know I didn’t because it’s obviously an unedited camera picture. Notice the awning in the background that’s tilted. The back lit shadowed faces.

And then I looked at the one that looks like a child or little person took. It didn’t look right. I would never sit down or kneel down to take a picture of someone that is standing up (unless I’m going for that overpowering effect). This one stumped me the most, because it was identical to the one I remember sending, save for the way it was shot.

So, I looked up the one I sent.


Yeah, they didn’t use this one. Sad, really. This one is so much better. Though, now that I look at them side by side, I notice that, as that page in the magazine is, my photo would not fit in that crop. One or both of their bodies would be cut off.

So, what did I learn from this experience?

  1. Ask to be credited, or don’t give consent.
  2. Go into contract with any request, including the request to be credited.

Well, at the very least, I can say that I got two mediocre photos that I took in a national magazine. Yay me.

I’ll finish this up with a few photos from that hunt that I’m actually fond of. Enjoy.



